Taloflow Puts Ai to Work on Software Vendor Selection to Reduce Cost and Save Time

Taloflow, an early stage startup changing the way companies evaluate and select software, has raised $1Taloflow, an early stage startup changing the way companies evaluate and select software, has raised $1.
TechCrunch 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Gemini, Google's flagship AI suite, allows users to create generative models and applications, garnering mixed reviews in its debut. TeamVeutter claims Russian hackers breached their network; Feather raises $170M for European grocery delivery tech expansion post-pandemic.

  • Gemini's Launch: Google launches Gemini, its AI suite of apps and services.
  • Feather's Expansion: Feather secures $170 million to grow in European grocery delivery sector.
  • Security Breach Claim: TeamVeutter accuses Russian hackers of penetrating its network.
  • Investment Trends Post-Pandemic: Robotic investments surge, indicating a return to pre-pandemic growth levels.


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