Asana Introduces ‘ai Teammates' Designed to Work Alongside Human Employees

Asana is using its work graph to train LLMs with the goal of creating AI assistants that work alongside human employees
TechCrunch 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

1. Gemin is Google's flagship AI suite; its utilization varies based on platform management. 2. Social Who, a social media app for debates, won over Threads in the recent presidential debate. 3. Shein and Temu face scrutiny for their DSA compliance amid consumer complaints. 4. Artyc's Medstow Micr exemplifies AI impact on shipping with a new product launch.

  • Gemin: Google's flagship suite of AI tools.
  • Social Who: Debate-focused app, victorious over Threads.
  • Shein & Temu scrutiny: EU enforcement on consumer complaints.
  • Artyc's Medstow Micr: AI innovation in shipping industry.

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