How Big a Deal Was the Industrial Revolution (2017)

Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Ivorian and Indonesian societies saw slaves comprising up to 50% of their population, with the IOW slave trade flourishing over millennia. This trade primarily involved local agents, unlike the transatlantic system dominated by European financiers. Slavery in the IOW varied significantly from economically marginal and demographically minor statuses to widespread corporate slave ownership, with legal precedents dating back to 2300 BCE.

  • Ivorian and Indonesian societies had high slave proportions; IOW trade spanned millennia.
  • Local agents dominated the IOW slave trade in contrast to European financiers' influence on transatlantic slavery.
  • Slavery varied from marginal economic roles and demographics to corporate ownership with legal history tracing back 2300 BCE.
  • Iowa was a hub for diverse slave-trading routes, including maritime pathways.

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