Regular, Recursive, Restricted

Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The text discusses constructing an infix arithmetic expression grammar using recursive restricted regular expressions to address the ambiguity issue, aiming for clarity in both tree structure and semantics. It explores a formalism that leverages regex constraints on children and grandchildren, allowing verification of unambiguity through match patterns against generated trees.

  • Infix Arithmetic Expression Grammar: A method to define arithmetic expressions in infix notation using recursive restricted regular expressions.
  • Ambiguity Resolution: The approach tackles ambiguities by explicitly defining children's matching rules within regex constraints, aiming for unambiguous grammar interpretation.
  • Semantic Clarity and Tree Structure: Grants clear semantics while preserving the shape of infix expressions through structured tree formulations.
  • Verification Methodology: Demonstrates that a given grammar does not exhibit ambiguity by matching generated trees against specified constraints.

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