A Primer on the Next Generation Of Antibodies

what s wrong with antibodies? what are some of the potential fixes? how do they work?
Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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The text discusses the future of antibody drugs in light of evolving alternatives like scFVs, nanobodies, and mimetics. It emphasizes the potential shift towards these innovations due to their efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and improved production techniques through genetic manipulation and CHO cells.

  • Evolution of therapeutic modalities: A shift from traditional antibodies to alternative molecules like scFVs, nanobodies, and mimetics is expected.
  • Advancements in production techniques: Efficient methods for secreting large proteins, sugars attachment, and genetic manipulation using CHO cells are notable advancements.
  • Cost-effectiveness and accessibility: Future drugs might offer similar effectiveness as current antibody drugs at a lower cost and greater ease of transport to those in need.
  • Reduced dependence on mammalian cell production: The next generation of therapeutics could overcome the bottleneck of antibody dependence by using these alternative molecules, which are easier to produce and modify.


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