Dhcpv6 Pd First Steps

Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The text describes a proposed DHCP6LEASED configuration strategy for IPv6 address allocation, including its stability, manual intervention in prefix size determination, and implementation challenges. It mentions the author's contribution to extending this method beyond just upper address bits, with an intention of integrating lower half processing and outputting a plan for administrative checks before renumbering operations.

  • Address Allocation Strategy: A DHCP6LEASED-based approach is discussed.
  • Stability & Manual Configuration: Ensures system stability and allows manual determination of prefix sizes for IPv6 delegation, aiding future interface expansions.
  • Address Plan Output & Renumbering Challenges: Plans to provide an address plan output for verification before renumbering tasks commence due to their complexity.
  • Contributions & Development Background: Reflects on past work and collaboration efforts in the field, acknowledging limitations imposed by vendors and standardization issues.


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