For Sale Replica Of the Mustang Aircraft

The world's most authentic replica of the legendary P-51 MustangThe world's most authentic replica of the legendary P-51 Mustang.
Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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The SW-51 Mustang is a double-seater aircraft with optional Rotax 916iS engines, featuring quick assembly kits or ready-to-fly options. Its certification falls under the Experimental Amateur Builder category. The pricing starts at $235k USD for kits and up to $450k USD for full RTF models. Lead time stands around 14 months, offering specially designed components like a turbocharged Rotax engine and a reliable FADEC system with an impressive Vne of 216 knots.

  • Aircraft Details:
  • Double-seater aircraft available in kit or ready-to-fly configuration.
  • Certified for experimental amateur builders; equipped with Rotax 916iS turbocharged engines.
  • Lead time of approximately 14 months, pricing starts at $235k USD for kits and up to $450k USD for full Ready-to-Fly models.

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