Show Hn: Original 8x16 Ascii Fixed Width Font: Classic Console Neue

Classic Console Neue TrueType Font ASCII 8x16 DOS Command Line Font
Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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The Classic Console Neue TrueType Font is an ASCII-based font, including various code pages and totaling 4100 glyphs. It's suitable for command lines, IDE editing tools like VSCode or Delphi, and console applications in Windows. Downloaded versions are available with WOFF format updates.

  • ASCII Font: Classic Console Neue is an ASCII-based font encompassing 4100 glyphs across multiple code pages.
  • Applications: Ideal for console interfaces, IDE environments (VSCode, Delphi), and Windows system font settings.
  • Download Formats: Includes WOFF 2.0 file versions updated from the original TTF downloads.
  • Registration Guide: To set as default in Windows, add under registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont.

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