Windows 11 and Linux Gain Ground Among Steam Gamers

Windows 10 still king of the hill for now
The Register 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Steam gamers increasingly opt for Windows 11 and Linux, indicating market growth; however, Microsoft's Windows dominance remains evident. Steam hardware survey reveals a slight rise in Linux usage from January to May 2024.

  • Linux Growth Amongst Gamers: Surge in Linux adoption by Steam users, showing competitive presence.
  • Steam Hardware Survey Results: Increased usage percentages for both Windows 11 and Linux from January to May 2024.
  • Microsoft's Market Share Challenge: Despite the rise in alternative OSes, Microsoft retains a substantial market share with its operating systems.
  • Steam User Base Diversity: A diverse set of users on Steam showcases varied preferences and adaptations for gaming environments.
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