Intel Ceo Says Sanctions on China Squanders Opportunity for Us Chipmakers Like Intel

When the Middle Kingdom starts making its own processors, it won't buy ones made by me!
The Register 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The text revolves around Intel's investor lawsuit over its Foundry business, allegations of supply to China amid sanctions on Huawei and ZTE, controversial AI practices by OpenAI with potential implications for tech dominance. Additionally, it touches upon the environmental impact of IT decisions, advancements in semiconductor technology including an Intel Xeon leak, Chang'e-6 lunar mission findings, and a QR code scam.

  • Intel investor lawsuit and allegations against Foundry business
  • OpenAI censorship in China leading to potential tech dominance concerns
  • China's lunar mission discoveries with implications for further exploration
  • Semiconductor innovations and environmental impact of IT decisions

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