Where Did All the Ai Overviews in Google Search Go

Only around 15% of Google queries generate AI Overviews now. Here's why and where you'll find themOnly around 15% of Google queries generate AI Overviews now. Here's why and where you'll find them.
ZDNet 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Google rebrands its AI-powered search overview as 'AI Overviews', aiming to provide users with quick answers. However, it has faced criticism for delivering inaccurate results and potentially impacting website traffic negatively by discouraging clicks away from their pages. The company appears to be gradually reducing the prominence of AI-powered search results based on Brightedge data analysis.

  • AI Overview Introduction:
  • Criticism over inaccuracies and negative impacts on traffic.
  • Decreased prominence of AI-powered search results observed.
  • Data analysis conducted by Brightedge highlighting result frequency trends.


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