Does Java Pass by Reference or Pass by Value

You might know that Java passes by value, but it helps to understand whyYou might know that Java passes by value, but it helps to understand why.
InfoWorld 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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This text explains a Java code snippet demonstrating mutable and immutable objects with warriorProfession as an example. The changeWarriorClass method alters the StringBuilder, affecting its contents, but not the original String object's value. Consequently, printing shows modified values for both variables: Warrior="Dragon Knight" & Weapon=Sword.

  • Java code illustrates mutable and immutable objects.
  • WarriorProfession as StringBuilder example; changes its content, not the String object.
  • changeWarriorClass method modifies Warrior class to Knight with weapon Sword.
  • Output: "Warrior=Dragon Knight" & "Weapon=Sword".

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