We Improved the Performance Of a Userspace Tcp Stack in Go by 5x

Learn how we enhanced TCP performance in Coder to achieve 5X faster throughput by optimizing buffer sizes, implementing
Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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The Coder team identified packet drops in their modified Tailscale environment, caused by a Channel Endpoint overloading its queue. Implementing Go's buffered channels as a fix doubled throughput on test systems. Continuous performance enhancement is pursued to ensure the network bottleneck isn't internal system limitations but rather the underlying infrastructure itself.

  • Packet Drop Issue Identified: Coder's modified Tailscale setup led to packet drops when Channel Endpoints exceeded their queues.
  • Buffered Channels Solution: Utilizing buffered channels from Go, which allowed for more efficient back pressure and resending protocols.
  • Performance Doubling Observed: After implementing the fix, throughput doubled on certain test connections.
  • Ongoing Performance Research: Coder's team continues to explore performance optimizations to ensure network bottlenecks originate from external networks.


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