Show Hn: Laudspeaker Open Source Mobile Push, Sms and Email Automation

Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Laudspeaker is an open-source platform for designing product onboarding workflows with visual tools, supporting multi-channel messaging via email, SMS, and others. It enables event trigger-based communication, offers user progress tracking, personalized journeys, and allows easy updates to the content. As a public Alpha, it's GPLv3 compliant but will adopt an Enterprise Edition license in future versions.

  • Open Source Onboarding:
  • Multi-Channel Messaging: Integrates email, SMS, and more.
  • Personalized User Journeys: Tailored experiences for various personas.
  • Dynamic Updates & Tracking: Manage changes easily and monitor user progress.
The categories applicable to this text are Artificial Intelligence (due to its automated workflows, event trigger systems) and Local SEO (as it could be used for optimizing onboarding processes which impact local search presence).

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