The Mysterious X Factor Behind 2023's Unbelievable Heat

Was this extra warming a blip, or a sign that climate change is veering off predictable tracks?
Gizmodo 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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Increasing global temperatures have puzzled scientists due to unexplained spikes, with potential links ranging from aerosol reductions, volcanic activity, ocean warming, solar fluctuations to climate sensitivity. Efforts to cleanse pollution may inadvertently affect heat absorption on Earth's surface.

  • Unprecedented Heat: Scientists grapple with unexplained temperature increases despite understanding factors such as El Nio effects, aerosol reductions, and climate sensitivity.
  • Aerosols' Role: The reduction in global pollution could be causing more heat absorption, complicating efforts to curb warming.
  • Volcanic Activity & Solar Fluctuations: Unaccounted factors like recent eruptions and potential earlier solar activity may contribute to the puzzle.
  • Climate Sensitivity Revision: The possibility of heightened climate sensitivity raises concerns for future unpredicted outcomes in global warming trends.

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