How Tsa Pulls Off Funny Social Content About Serious Business

The U.SThe U.S.
Content Marketing Institute 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) social media team at the TSA engages in humorous debates, including whether peanut butter is a liquid. They aim to educate about content marketing through viral conversations while working alongside media operations teams as agents for distraction when needed. The strategy's effectiveness is evident from leader appreciation and budget-friendly organic exposure results.

  • Humorous Debates: CMI social team tackles debates like peanut butter classification to engage audiences.
  • Educational Approach: Content is crafted to inform about content marketing through shareable, viral posts.
  • Media Relationship Management: The team serves as social listening agents, diverting attention from negative press.
  • Leadership Endorsement: Agencies appreciate the CMI approach and continue to support its implementation.

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