The Distinctiveness Of Human Aggression (2022)

The Goodness Paradox: The Strange Relationship Between Virtue and Violence in Human Evolution by Richard Wrangham-”A
Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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The text discusses human behavioral evolution regarding impulse control and cooperation, highlighting the balance between ingroup (ethnocentrism) and outgroup differentiation. It suggests this duality in our ancestry may have led to both societal collaboration and inter-human aggression. Furthermore, it questions how city governments address high crime rates among urban black populations, considering factors like drugs, poverty, or genetics.

  • Human Evolutionary Behavior: Impulse control and cooperation's evolutionary aspects.
  • Ingroup vs. Outgroup Dynamics: The dual nature of human social differentiation contributing to collaboration and aggression.
  • Urban Black Crime Rates: Inquiry into the underlying causes of high crime rates in urban black populations, considering socio-economic factors.
  • Theory Complexity: Consideration of whether human behavioral theories oversimplify cultural and historical diversities.

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