Nvidia Slips & Loses Title Of 2nd Most Valuable Tech Firm to Apple

NVIDIA sheds more than 1% on the stock market to lose its title as the world's second most valuable tech firm to Apple.
Wccftech 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

NVIDIA lost its second-most valued tech status to Apple as the stock market corrected after an earlier rally, amid anti-trust investigations by U.S. authorities against NVIDIA, OpenAI and Microsoft, which may affect their market value.

  • AntiTrust Investigations:
  • U.S. Justice Department and FTC investigate NVIDIA's collaboration with AI firm OpenAI over potential anti-competitive practices.
  • Consequences for market value of companies under investigation can include fines or changes in business operations.
  • Market Correction:
  • NVIDIA's stock price saw a reversal after previous gains, losing its position as the second-most valued tech firm to Apple.


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