Starship's Fourth Flight Test: Window Opens 07:00 Am Central Time

SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft.
Hacker News 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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SpaceX Dragon cargo missions involve a sequence of burns for orbit raising, final approach, and docking with the ISS. Key events include Liftoff, Orbit Activation, Phasing Burns, Approach Initiation, Proximity Operations, Docking & Crew Ingress.

  • Liftoff: Falcon 9 launches Dragon to orbit and separates stages.
  • Orbit Activation: Post-separation, Dragon checks vital systems.
  • Phasing Burns & Approach Initiation: Maneuvers for ISS rendezvous and initial approach.
  • Docking & Crew Ingress: Final docking with the ISS, hatch opening, and crew entry.
Category Selection: SpaceX, Aerospace

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