Smartsheet Stock Jumps As Quarterly Revenue Rises 20% to $263m

Smartsheet revenue rose 20% year-over-year to $263 million during its first fiscal quarter, topping analyst estimatesSmartsheet revenue rose 20% year-over-year to $263 million during its first fiscal quarter, topping analyst estimates.
GeekWire 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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Smartsheet's Q1 earnings report showed 20% revenue increase to $263M and reduced net losses. The CEO highlighted product innovations, modern pricing strategy, and revamped go-to-market approach for growth potential. Shares rose post-earnings; however, the yearly decrease remains significant at over 15%.

  • Quarterly Earnings:
  • Revenue Increase:
  • CEO's Statement on Growth Strategies:
  • Market Reaction:

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