Sirion, Now Valued Around $1b, Acquires Eigen in Enterprise Ai Tooling Consolidation Play

There's a lot of buzz right now about generative AI and what impact it might have on businessesThere's a lot of buzz right now about generative AI and what impact it might have on businesses.
TechCrunch 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

- Rohlik raises $170M for European grocery delivery and tech sales, expanding after hitting over $40m in funding.

  • Robotics Investment: Robotic investments are growing post-pandemic with a year total potentially surpassing past years.
  • AI in Education: Andrew Ng's AI Fund plans to raise $120M for an incubator addressing key AI problems.
  • Battery Technology: Sila secures $375M funding amidst a challenging startup landscape, planning U.S factory construction.
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