Google Admits Its Ai Search Feature Is a Dumpster Fire, Says It Will Scale Back the Tool

Google has released a statement, admitting that "some odd, inaccurate or unhelpful AI Overviews certainly did show
Futurism 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

** Google acknowledged inaccuracies and unhelpfulness of its AI-powered search tool, promising to limit such responses. The system has been producing nonsensical suggestions sourced from questionable data like Reddit posts, amidst a broader issue with tech companies' use of generative AI.

  • Admission by Google: Acknowledged flaws in the AI search feature.
  • AI Misinformation Source: Reddit posts influenced some erroneous outcomes.
  • Industry Issue**: Generative AI widely used by tech companies has seen errors and misuse.
  • Google's Response**: Google committed to improvement and feedback utilization.

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