Quarkus Java Framework Adds Dev Extensions for Observability

Latest update to the Kubernetes-native Java stack introduces dev extensions for Grafana, Jaeger, OTel, and
InfoWorld 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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Quarkus introduces observability dev extensions for enhanced application monitoring, along with an experimental WebSocket service and security improvements in version 3.1.

  • Enhanced Observability: Quarkus now includes observability dev extensions to support Grafan, Jaegi, Ote, and VictoriaMetrics.
  • WebSockets Extension: Introduces experimental WebSocket features for real-time data transmission in version 3.1.
  • Security Upgrades: Adds support for session expiration handling and customizable OpenID Connect redirects.
  • Infinispan Backend Integration: Includes a new cache extension that supports using Infinispan as the backend storage solution.

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