Databricks to Acquire Storage Platform Maker Tabular

While Snowflake is talking up its use of Iceberg to promote interoperability, Databricks is buying Tabular, the tool
InfoWorld 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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Snowflake and Databricks compete in strategic acquisitions to strengthen their data catalog offerings, with Snowflake acquiring assets from TruEra. Both aim to demonstrate superior support for enterprise data environments using various table formats.

  • Strategic Acquisitions: Snowflake and Databricks are actively acquiring companies to enhance their data catalog services.
  • Competition in Enterprise Data Support: Both aim to prove they offer better support for enterprise data environments across different table formats.
  • Iceberg Table Format Advantage: Despite the competition, Databricks has a larger contributor community than Snowflake's Iceberg due to existing large vendor commitments.
  • Generative AI Offerings Expansion: Both companies are expanding their generative AI capabilities through recent acquisitions.

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