More Problems for Humane As It Warns Ai Pin Users the Charging Case Poses Fire Risk

TechSpot 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Human urges AI Pi users to halt chargers due to fire risk, offers two months of subscription for free. This follows poor reception and a $1 billion buyout bid amidst only one product release with the defective case now known to pose hazard.

  • Product Safety Warning: Human advises Ai Pi users to stop using charging cases due to potential fire risks.
  • Compensation Offer: Two free months of subscription service offered as a recompense for the issue.
  • Company Background: Human, an AI product with only one release and mixed reviews, considered selling to investors at $1-2 billion but has since faced criticism and potential liability issues.
  • Investor Interest: The company previously sought a buyer willing to pay between $750 million to $1 billion, reflecting high expectations not met by the singular product offering.

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