Duckduckgo Ai Chat Promises Anonymous Access to Popular Ai Chatbots

DuckDuckGo is launching today DuckDuckGo AI chat, a hub for accessing popular AI chatbots in a more private way.
Thurrott 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

DuckDuckGo AI Chat offers private access to popular AI chatbots, ensuring user privacy with no data tracking or storage. It's free and features direct model calls, daily usage limits, delete function, custom prompts, and potential paid options for higher limits.

  • Privacy: DuckDuckGo AI Chat is designed to protect user privacy by not tracking or storing conversations.
  • Accessibility: Users can access popular AI chatbots such as GPT 3.5 Turbo, Anthropic's Claude and Microsoft Copilot directly within the platform.
  • User Management: Offers daily usage limits, a delete function for individual conversations, custom prompt options, with plans for expanded features in future paid services.
  • Content Availability: While Google's GEMINI and Microsoft Copilot are not included, the AI chatbot hub provides access to other notable models from various providers.

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