Maker Of Beechcraft Airplanes Tries to Hijack Domain Names

Textron Innovations, the company that owns the Beechcraft brand of airplanes, has been found guilty of reverse domain
Domain Name Wire 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Beechcraft airplane maker Textron Inc has been found guilty of reverse domain name hijacking, attempting to seize domains and owned by Beechcraft service providers. The UDRP panel determined that there was no trademark infringement or consumer confusion.

  • Panel Verdict:
  • No evidence of trademark infringement or consumer confusion by Textron Inc.
  • Domain Ownership:
  • Owned by service providers for Beechcraft, not competitive with Textron Inc's products.
  • Complainant Standards:
  • Textron should uphold a higher standard due to legal representation and previous domain usage without complaint.

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