Google's Ai Overviews Appear on 70% Fewer Search Results Pages Now

Only around 15% of Google queries generate AI Overviews now. Here's why and where you'll find themOnly around 15% of Google queries generate AI Overviews now. Here's why and where you'll find them.
ZDNet 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

AI Overviews, Google's AI feature for quick queries, faced criticism over inaccuracies and reduced clickthrough rates. However, the search giant has plans to refine it further globally despite initial concerns about its impact on website traffic.

  • Criticism of Google's early AI Overviews
  • AI Overviews renamed from SGE to improve user experience
  • Decreasing reliance on AI for search results
  • Google planning global rollout and continued refinement of the feature

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