How Tom Hiddleston Prepared for Loki's Latest Ending

The Marvel Cinematic Universe actor looks back on his journey from big-screen villain to Disney+ anti-hero.
Gizmodo 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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Tom Hiddleston prepared for his character's evolution in the final Loki episode by watching past performances and embracing a humanizing portrayal. As part of Disney+'s Marvel series, this development marks an intriguing turn in his acting journey.

  • Character Evolution: Hiddleston revisits past Loki appearances to shape the character's destiny.
  • Human Element: He injects humanity into his role, endearing Loki further to audiences.
  • Marvel Cinematic Universe Continuity: The finale connects with the larger MCU narrative and Hiddleston's long-standing portrayal of Loki.
  • Disney+ Original Series: Loki continues to thrive as part of Disney+'s original content offerings.

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