Google Lens Could Soon Make It Easier to Add Context to Searches (apk Teardown)

Google Lens could soon make it easier and seamless to add voice context to an image or video searchGoogle Lens could soon make it easier and seamless to add voice context to an image or video search.
Android Authority 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Google Lens is anticipated to streamline context addition in searches by introducing voice-input functionality through long press on the camera shutter button. New animations and features hint at future enhancements, like video search capabilities for added context. However, these updates are not currently live.

  • Voice Context Addition: Enable long press to add voice-context during image searches.
  • Animation Update: Introduce new animations resembling Circle to Search.
  • Upcoming Feature: Explore 'Hold to record a video' functionality for voice search context.
  • Status: The described features are speculative and not yet active on Google Lens.

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