Gemini Appears to Be Adding a Spotify Extension

9to5Google 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Ben Schoon reports that Google may be adding a Spotify extension to Gemini, following previous integrations with YouTube Music. Details are scarce, but evidence of the extension is visible in Android updates. The integration aligns with Google's focus on user experience across its services.

  • Spotify Extension for Gemini: Preliminary signs of a Spotify music-related feature within Gemini.
  • Android Updates Indicators: References to the integration found in recent Android updates by users and confirmed by 9to5Google.
  • User Experience Emphasis**strong text**: Google's strategy appears to prioritize seamless integration across its suite of services, improving overall user experience.
  • Future Release Uncertainty**strong text**: Despite the early indications, no confirmed release date has been announced for the Spotify extension in Gemini.

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