Even Spotify Could Soon Get Its Own Gemini Extension (apk Teardown)

After YouTube Music, an extension for Spotify has been spotted in Gemini, letting the AI chatbot tap into the music
Android Authority 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Google plans to introduce a Spotify extension for its Gemini platform, following the recent launch of the YouTube Music extension. Although not live yet, hints such as internal codenames and strings suggest impending functionality integration with Spotify. The feature will allow users to search on Spotify through Gemini using voice commands.

  • ><i>Upcoming Google Extension for Spotify
  • ><i>Internal Codename Indicates Development of Spotify Extension
  • ><i>Enhances User Experience via Voice Commands for Music Searching on Spotify
  • ><i>Preview of Feature Revealed Prior to Public Announcement


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