Emergency Patches Released for Critical Vulns Impacting Eol Zyxel Nas Boxes

That backdoor s not meant to be there?
The Register 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The text discusses Patch Tuesday vulnerabilities, Y2K preparation, the Zero Day Initiative's efforts against cyber threats, and security topics at conferences such as RSA. It also mentions patching issues for Microsoft Windows, Adobe products, and various other IT concerns.

  • Patch Tuesday:
  • Regular release of critical updates from vendors to address security vulnerabilities.
  • Y2K Preparation: Addressing potential problems as the year 2000 approached, though not directly relevant to current cybersecurity threats.
  • Zero Day Initiative (ZDI): Engages with vendors and governments for vulnerability disclosure before public release.
  • Conference Presence: RSA Conference and other events highlight industry efforts to combat cyber threats.


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