After Contentious Amazon Datacenter Fight, Us County Says It Has Learned a Lesson

We love our farms says Culpeper, but we also like internet mega-souk and others setting up servers
The Register 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The Culpeper County in Virginia shifted its strategy to create the modest Culpeper Technology Zone (CTZ) following a controversy over Amazon's proposed data center, balancing local needs with industry demands. The county now aims for smaller, more sustainable development by attracting varied cloud computing centers and maintaining its rural identity.

  • Culpeper County Adapts to Cloud Industry: A response to Amazon's data center plan with the Culpeper Technology Zone (CTZ) focusing on sustainable, smaller-scale development.
  • Development Shift for Data Centers: The CTZ comprises existing facilities and plans expansion cautiously to avoid market saturation.
  • Maintaining Local Identity: While accommodating cloud computing industry growth, Culpeper County preserves its rural character.
  • Attracting a Diverse Range of Companies: The approach is to bring in various tech companies beyond Amazon's influence, fostering economic diversity.

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