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Social Media Users Band Together to Manipulate Google Reviews

Disgruntled foodies were ticked off that their favorite restaurants were over run with tourists. So they turned to social media and banded together in forum posts to give rosey reviews to nearby restaurants. Mediocre restaurants nearby their favorite ones, were over run with glowing 5 star reviews.

Google’s advertising bloats SERP’s, have caused users to ramp up their complaints against Google search in recent years. Especially since the arrival of AI slop search that nobody asked for.

Apparently sick of influencers and tourists who have made their local hideaways uninhabitable, a number of Londoners appear to be attempting to poison Google’s AI-generated search results in an effort to point urban visitors in the wrong direction.

The trend seems to have started in the London Reddit subboard and quickly flooded to Twiiter and TikTok.

Christian Calgie, a reporter for the Daily Express, recently noted: “/r/London is currently love-bombing Angus Steakhouse in the hope that AI google scrapers start recommending it in listicles so influencers and tourists stay away from actual nice places.”
