SearchGPT Advanced Search Operators
Boolean Operators
- AND: Finds documents containing all the specified terms.
- OR: Finds documents containing any of the specified terms.
- NOT: Excludes documents containing the specified term.
Proximity Search
- NEAR: Finds documents where two terms are within a specified distance of each other.
Wildcard Search
- *: Matches any number of characters.
For example,"apple*" will match "apple", "apples", "applepie", etc.
- ?: Matches a single character.
For example,"apple?" will match "apples" but not "applepie".
Phrase Search
- “”: Finds documents containing the exact phrase.
For example,`"tallest building"`.
File Type Search
- filetype:: Finds documents of a specific file type.
For example,`filetype:pdf`.
Site Search
- site:: Finds documents from a specific website.
For example,``.
In URL Search
- inurl:: Finds documents where the URL contains a specific term.
For example,`inurl:blog`.
Title Search
- intitle:: Finds documents where the title contains a specific term.
For example,`intitle:technology`.
Date Range Search
- date:: Finds documents from a specific date range.
For example,`date:2023-01-01..2023-12-31`.
Number Range Search
- ..: Finds documents containing numbers within a specific range.
For example,`price:50..100`.
- define:: Provides the definition of a word.
For example,`define:serendipity`.
- related:: Finds documents related to a specific URL.
For example,``.
- cache:: Displays the cached version of a webpage.
For example,``.
- allintitle:: Finds documents where all the specified terms are in the title.
- allinurl:: Finds documents where all the specified terms are in the URL.

As the CEO and founder of Pubcon Inc., Brett Tabke has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of online marketing and search engine optimization. His journey in the computer industry has spanned over three decades and has made him a pioneering force behind digital evolution. Full Bio