If you have ever had a personal online security incident, you know 2factor auth on important sites is nonnegotiable. Setting up two-factor authentication (2FA) via SMS might seem like an extra layer of security, but man-o-man in reality, it can be a real hassle in day-to-day usage. Users can find themselves struggling to receive a multi-digit code, only to find their phone has no signal or the sms msg is delayed. The process can be very frustrating—entering the code before it expires – especially on a mobile device while switching between apps, and dealing with msgs never arrive. While SMS-based authentication was once considered a necessary security measure, it has proven to be highly inconvenient and bigtime vulnerable to exploits and Recognizing these challenges, Forbes is reporting that Gmail is starting to move away from SMS-2FA in favor of QR code authentication.
For years, SMS-based authentication has been a common security method, but it has long been considered a weak link in online security. While SMS codes provide an extra layer of protection compared to using only a password, they are very vulnerable to phishing scams, SIM swapping, and mobile carrier-based attacks.
Instead of receiving a six-digit code via SMS, Gmail users will soon see a QR code displayed on their login screen. Scanning this QR code with a smartphone camera will authenticate the user mostly securely without the need for an SMS message.
Although Google has not provided a date for QR code authentication roll out, the company has indicated that more updates will follow soon. As online threats continue to evolve, this shift away from SMS codes is a step in the right direction for securing user accounts (it is also so much easier).

As the CEO and founder of Pubcon Inc., Brett Tabke has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of online marketing and search engine optimization. His journey in the computer industry has spanned over three decades and has made him a pioneering force behind digital evolution. Full Bio
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