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Google to Site Owners : Your Website – Our Choice

We’ve seen alot of questionable behavior out of Google the last couple years, from trying to CoOpt the entire web with Amp pages, to trying deprecate competitors 3rd party cookies, but here’s a fresh one that takes the cake. Verge is reporting via Barry Schwartz that Google is now, using it’s browser power to create hi-jacking links and insert content into webpage HTML without website, or copyright owners permission. Injecting controls and content onto site owners website without permission, is a foul.

Apparently there is an Opt Out form. Clearly, they didn’t feel the need for an Opt In form. That’s pretty much the rub right there – whenever you seen Google put out a feature just ask your site where the option to turn it off is at?

Google Imagine Showing Link Hijacking
Strap in – I think this is just the beginning of Google action against websites. They are emboldened with the Trump win.

In other news today: