William Russell, One Of Doctor Who's First Heroes, Has Died

The actor behind one of Doctor Who s first ever companions, teacher Ian Chesterton, was 99.
Gizmodo 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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William Russell, known for playing Doctor Who's early companion Ian Chesterto, has passed away at age 99. Iconic actor Russel appeared in the original series and continued to appear as a former companion until his final episode "The Power of the Doctors" (2022). He is survived by family members.

  • Legendary Actor: William Russell, famous for playing Ian Chesterto in Doctor Who.
  • Death Age & Family: Passed away at 99; survived by wife and children from his first marriage.
  • Doctor Who Tenure: Appeared in the show's original run, returning as a former companion until "The Power of Doctors" (2022).
  • Tributes & Recognition: Record-breaking actor for longest gap between TV appearances.


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