What Went Wrong With Google's New Ai Search Feature — and What the Company Is Doing to Try To

Yahoo! US 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Google's AI has inadvertently propagated misinformation, as seen with claims about former President Barack Obama. Issues arise from AI sourcing content and lack of differentiation between facts and satire, leading to unreliable search results that can impact publishers traffic negatively. Google acknowledges problems with AI Overviews in its effort for system enhancement but also tests advertisement placements within them.

  • AI Misinformation Propagation: Google's AI has spread misconceptions, such as incorrect claims about Obama.
  • Content Source Problems: The AI draws from diverse sources including low-quality websites and satire sites without fact-checking capabilities.
  • Impact on Publishers: AI's integration in search results threatens publisher traffic, with potential long-term effects on the industry.
  • Corporate Response and Advertising: Google addresses AI Overview issues while introducing sponsored ads into them, raising trust concerns.


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