What Ever Happened to 'don't Be Evil' at Google

Starting to think Google's evilStarting to think Google's evil?
Android Police 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

A thread from the Android Police podcast discusses Google's potential pivot away from prioritizing users and partners, highlighting topics like YouTube Premium changes, Pixel events, software alternatives, and community feedback. Additionally, various tech deals and device critiques were discussed.

  • YouTube Premium Changes: The podcast explores recent alterations to Google's subscription service.
  • Pixel Events Anticipation: Discussion on the upcoming features and expectations for Pixel devices at the August event.
  • Community Engagement: Sharing of user opinions, Google's community guidelines adherence emphasis, and thread management advice.
  • Tech Deals & Device Analysis: Overview of affordable smartphone deals and an assessment of the OnePlus 13 Fold.

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