What a Google Paywall Could Mean for You

AI-power could threaten search engine giant's ad revenues as Google says it is 'reinventing Search to help' people. 
i News 11:37 pm on April 11, 2024

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Google is reportedly considering implementing a paywall for its AI-generated content in a subscription service, marking the first time users would have to pay for any of its core product. The move comes as Google seeks to generate additional revenue from AI-powered search features and protect its advertising business which relies on user traffic. However, concerns have been raised about the potential impact on online publishers and reduced user engagement with ads. Experts also warn that comprehensive AI answers could reduce the need for users to access Google's main search engine.

  • Google is investigating ways to charge for AI-generated content on its subscription service
  • The move would be the first time users pay for any of Google's core product
  • Revenues from AI-powered search features could help protect Google's advertising business
  • Concerns raised about impact on online publishers and reduced user engagement with ads
  • Experts warn that comprehensive AI answers could reduce the need for users to access Google search engine


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