Sunnyvale Art and Wine Festival Canceled This Year

The city’s Chamber of Commerce, which sponsors the festival, says a lack of resources and funding led to its
Silicon Valley 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The Sunnyvale Art and Wine Festival was cancelled in 2024 due to undisclosed reasons. Small business owners who frequently promoted at the event were disappointed as they had to find alternative avenues for sales. The city now faces potential revenue losses from this cancellation, along with displeasure among community members and local vendors.

  • Event Cancellation: Sunnyvale's Art & Wine Festival was cancelled in 2024 due to undisclosed reasons.
  • Impact on Local Businesses and Vendors: Small business owners, who frequently promoted at the event, now face challenges of finding alternative avenues for sales. The cancellation also poses potential revenue losses to the city.
  • Community Displeasure: The decision has caused displeasure among community members and local vendors who were looking forward to the event.

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