Spunky Exoplanet Inexplicably Survives Host Star's Death Throes

The discovery of this rare world offers a glimpse into the distant future when our Sun swells up into a red giant star.
Gizmodo 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

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A hot Neptunian exoplanet, named TIC365102760 or Phoeni, has defied expectations by surviving its host star's death throes due to a large atmosphere. Researchers used data from NASA's TESS and W.M. Keck Observatory, revealing the planets size, orbiting time, temperature, proximity to its star, and possible future implications for our own solar system as it ages.

  • Exoplanet discovery: A hot Neptunian exoplanet named Phoeni survived its host star's death throes.
  • Data sources and research methodology: NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and the W.M. Keck Observatory were utilized to gather data on TIC365102760.
  • Planetary characteristics: Phoeni is roughly six times closer to its host star than Mercury is to the Sun, with a scorching temperature of ~600K. Its size falls between Neptune and Saturn (Neptunian classification), orbiting every 4.2 days.
  • Implications for solar system evolution: The survival of Phoeni suggests that planetary atmospheres may last longer than previously expected, which has implications for Earth's own atmosphere as the Sun ages.


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