San Jose Food Bank Preps Warehouse Shutdown After Facing Rent Hike

Second Harvest of Silicon Valley has decided to shut one of its warehouses after learning it was facing a rent hike.
Silicon Valley 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The San Jose food bank Second Harvest of Silicon Valley is preparing to shut down its warehouse at 528 Brennan Street due to a rent hike, causing operational challenges amidst increased service demand. The organization plans to restructure job assignments and relocate some workers in response to the closure.

  • Warehouse Closure: Second Harvest is closing its Brennan Street warehouse due to rising rents.
  • Operational Challenges: The move comes amid a surge in service demand, requiring workforce restructuring.
  • Job Redistribution: Some employees will be reassigned as the organization consolidates its locations.
  • Community Impact: This action may have wider implications for San Jose's food banking community and services.

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