Russian Agents Deploy Ai Produced Tom Cruise Narrator to Tar Summer Olympics

With only weeks until the Games start, expect more to come, Microsoft says.
ArsTechnica 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The Microsoft Threat Analysis Team reported that Russian agents circulated an AI-produced Tom Cruise voice narrating a fake documentary, criticizing the IOC before the Paris Olympics. This was part of a yearlong disinformation operation to undermine the IOC and discourage attendance at the games due to supposed terror threats, with other fabricated content across multiple languages.

  • AI-Generated Fake Narration: Russian agents deployed a fake documentary with an AI-produced Tom Cruise narrator critiquing IOC leadership.
  • Influence Operation Objective: The goal was to discredit the IOC and deter Olympic participation, suggesting terror risks through various media channels.
  • Language Diversity of Misinformation: Over 15 unique language sites spread the rumors, impersonating credible outlets.
  • Attribution to Russian Groups: Identified groups Storm-1679 and Storm-1099 are behind these disinformation campaigns.

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