Mistral Launches New Services and Sdk to Let Customers Fine Tune Its Models

French AI startup Mistral has launched model fine-tuning services to let customers and developers tailor its models for
TechCrunch 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Yesterday, TechCrunch explored Google's Gemin initiative and its implications for generative AI. Sarah Perez detailed Xiaoice (Gemin) amidst debates on social platforms like Threads vs. TikTok. Investor activity in Robotics was highlighted by Brian Heater, with a notable funding milestone achieved.

  • Explored Google Gemin and AI implications
  • Compared social platforms Threads vs TikTok
  • Robotics investments reached $4.2 billion in first half of the year
  • Highlighted significant funding milestone for Robotics industry


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