I've Been Using Google Search for 25 Years and Ai Overview Is the One Thing That Could Ruin It for Me

Google Search was already good
TechRadar 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

Lance Ulanoff is a tech industry veteran with experience as Editor-in-Chief of PCMag.com and Senior VP at Ziff Davis, covering technology developments for major platforms like Google News. He has written extensively about gadgets, social media trends, cybersecurity, and more.

  • <h2>: Lance Ulanoff's extensive background in journalism.
  • <p>: Experience at PCMag.com & Ziff Davis, covering various tech platforms and trends.
  • <ol>: Author of numerous articles on technology, social media, cybersecurity, etc.
  • <em>: Appearances across national and international news programs discussing tech topics.


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