How Should Search Marketers Respond to Google Ai Overviews

We asked some SEO and performance experts what marketers should do, if anything, to adapt to AI overviews across organic
Econsultancy 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

The text discusses various articles highlighting trends and strategies in the retail industry, from influencer marketing for FMCGs to ecommerce transformations like one-hour click and collect. It also touches on digital skill challenges with AI emergence.

  • Influencer Marketing: FMCG brands use social media strategies despite brief content constraints.
  • Ecommerce Transformation: Pets at Home adopts one-hour click and collect for enhanced omnichannel experience.
  • AI Digital Skills Challenges: Generative AI necessitates upskilling to bridge the digital skills gap, as stated by Salesforce's CTO.
  • Retail Industry Trends: The text summarizes recent articles on retail strategies and challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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