Google's Ai Powered Notebooklm Just Got a Big Upgrade How to Try It (and Why You Should)

The note-taking, research and writing assistant now supports Google Slides, web URLs, inline citations, and much moreThe note-taking, research and writing assistant now supports Google Slides, web URLs, inline citations, and much more.
ZDNet Google 1:15 pm on June 10, 2024

NotebookLM, Google's AI-powered research assistant, received significant enhancements with its upgrade to Gemini 1.5 Pro, supporting diverse file formats and providing inline citations for source references. It now offers a Notebook Guide feature summarizing input materials across over 200 countries globally.

  • NotebookLM upgraded with AI capabilities (Gemini 1.5 Pro)
  • Supports various file formats, including Google Slides and web URLs
  • Inline citations for sources enhance content accuracy
  • Global availability in over 200 countries

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